As Britta previously mentioned, a bunch of us is at a preparatory meeting i Malmö this weekend. I came here with basically no idea of what we were supposed to do or who was going to be here (this confusion seems to be the theme of this project..) but it has been very exciting and I will leave Malmö tomorrow with a lot of new knowledge on the environment and on UN processes.
It is also a really facinating mix of people participating, I have no idea how many nations are represented, but I´ve been talking to youth from Germany, Mexico, US, Wales, China, Singapore, Canada, Uganda, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Malaysia, Siri Lanka and so on and so forth, and everybody has different experiences. Some of them are official delegates from their government and has been to douzens of conferences, others are involved in sience, others are grassroot eldsjälar (fire spirits?) who are fighting alongside civil society day and night, and yet others, like myself, are complete rookies, facinated by everything and learning everything from scratch.
This seems like a positive thing, though, since the diversity of the group adds plenty of different perspectives to the work. We are all so different but with similar goals, its a grand feeling. Tomorrow we´re heading for Bella Center, and then I´m off home to Gothenburgh and reality, trying to find the small ways of making a change.
Bonsoir, tout le monde.
Ta hjälp ifrån begravningsbyrån
9 år sedan
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